Applied Bioinformatics will challenge you all by teaching computational skills that are becoming essential training for biologists. This includes coding in R and Python and working with command line programs.
We will work on developing these skills in the framework of a DNA sequencing project using the Oxford Nanopore MinION sequencer. The MinION is a cutting edge device that brings DNA sequencing directly to the scientist in real-time.
Together we will design sequencing experiments, collect data using the MinION, and build projects to analyze those data.
pwd -> print working directory
ls -> shows folders and files in working directory
ls -a -> shows files and ones hidden
ls-l -> gives date of files being last edited
man (+command) -> says what the command does
q -> quit out of window
cd -> change directory, put new place after cd
ssh -> secure shell
mkdir (name) -> make directory
touch (name) -> makes empty text file
``` used to start and end data block
Knitr runs command only in data blocks, makes documents look nice
Run runs everything in the document
census = read.csv('/usr/share/data/kaggle/census.csv')
demo = census #Just rename the object for the next lines
ggplot(data = demo) +
geom_point(mapping = aes(x = Citizen, y = TotalPop))