Prof. Harbert
12 March, 2019
Presentations Thursday. Give us the 5 minute pitch for your project covering:
We will be exploring Nanopore read quality and filtering. This is always an important step with any sequencing data.
Common QC Steps:
In the wider world of Bioinformatics the king of QC is fastqc.
However, fastqc has trouble with Nanopore data and ONT specific tools exist.
Example run:
NanoStat --fastq $datapath/SRR5805004.fastq > ns.file
General summary:
Mean read length: 6,089.3
Mean read quality: 11.6
Median read length: 6,101.0
Median read quality: 11.7
Number of reads: 29,280.0
Read length N50: 7,783.0
Total bases: 178,296,024.0
Number, percentage and megabases of reads above quality cutoffs
>Q5: 29280 (100.0%) 178.3Mb
>Q7: 29280 (100.0%) 178.3Mb
>Q10: 24456 (83.5%) 151.5Mb
>Q12: 12284 (42.0%) 78.3Mb
>Q15: 243 (0.8%) 1.7Mb
Top 5 highest mean basecall quality scores and their read lengths
1: 16.7 (2228)
2: 16.7 (8360)
3: 16.7 (5289)
4: 16.6 (3013)
5: 16.6 (8902)
Top 5 longest reads and their mean basecall quality score
1: 46833 (10.9)
2: 40311 (14.1)
3: 35785 (11.8)
4: 33627 (9.6)
5: 31740 (12.6)
Visualize quality metrics
NanoPlot --fastq $datapath/SRR5805004.fastq --outdir nanoplots
Filter reads on quality, read length, GC content, and trimming off the start or end of reads (to ensure adapter removal).
cat $datapath/SRR5805004.fastq | NanoFilt -q 10 -l 500 >
less filt.reads.fq
Always look at your data before deciding on filtering settings. There is no magic setting that will work for every study.
Be aware of all of the options:
NanoFilt -h
porechop -i $datapath/SRR5805004.fastq -o out.fq #Remove adapters from fastq file, write to out.fq
poretools operates directly on fast5 files that have basecalls.
Can generate a variety of informat:
poretools -h
#typical command
#poretools command path/to/fast5/experimentfiles
Guppy Basecalling for oryza and snake_venom projects